Posts Crypto Library

Crypto Library

I finally pushed my first version of paranoia crypto library. Its basically a wrapper around Bouncy Castle. It ‘expires’ keys so they don’t hang out in memory, forces AES-256, uses Scrypt for hashing, requires SecureRandom, and will include a proguard file to munge BC so it doesn’t get into classloader issues on Android. (Google mucked with BC… I’m doing this instead of using spongy castle)

This library avoids the 128 limitations provided by default JCE usage, so you are hereby warned to check your local laws for compliance. I’ll have to send out a post detailing why I had to make this library. If you want to use it, start with the SecuredParanoidManager and run from there. I’ll work on some better examples of how I intend it to be used.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.
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