CodeHead Systems

End of the year...

Ah yes… its the end of the year… you know what that means? Useless predictions and meaningless attempts at changing ones lifestyle. Here are my predictions… The government of Iran will continue to...

Ubuntu upgrade notification back (by force)

I’m not found of the notification ‘pop-up’ in Ubuntu. Rather, I miss the old icon in the notification area. Executing the following line in a terminal can fix this back to the way it was, pre-9.04....

Auto-completion for grails on Linux (Ubuntu)

Starting to be full time on grails, I wanted to get bash command line completion to work. I took code from Fernando Takai and made very minor changes so it works on Ubuntu. You need to install gawk...

A great potatoes and spinach recipe

I made some potatoes and spinach recipe for the family using a great recipe from Vegan Dad. Jacob liked it a lot, even if he’s not into spicy food. It’s not that spicy of a recipe, but I have a ten...

Palm Pre homebrew apps

So I ended up adding in some homebrew apps. Some of them are pretty good. Some, not so much. And yes, they have the light-saber app. And no, its not worth it.

August 21 is Vegetarian Day!

August 21 is Vegetarian Day! That’s right, you heard right… So this Friday, eat no meat and have some drinks. Martini’s for all!

Rethinking the kindle

According to NY Times, Amazon is remotely deleting purchased books by Orwell. Apparently the publisher no longer wants electronic copies on the kindle, so Amazon is deleting already purchased copie...

First app on my palm pre...

Finally got the Palm Pre SDK today. Palm released it like 10 months sooner then Apple did for their smartphone, and 15 months later then Google did for their smartphone. VirtualBox is used for the ...

Ruby, ActiveMessaging and ActiveMQ

Just wanted to have a quick post on how we switched to ActiveMQ for our ruby app. We ran into problems that were easy to fix though hard to see where the error was. The first was a problem with idl...

Goldman Sachs has record profit this year?

If the news is to be believed, Goldman Sachs had a record profit this ‘year’ and will be paying out the largest bonuses ever. To quote the original article: "...it seemed inconceivable that a firm...

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